Affordable Cloud Solutions for Startups and Enterprises

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How do you bill your servers?

Servers have both a monthly price cap and a price per hour. Your server’s bill will never exceed its monthly price cap. If you delete your Cloud Server before the end of the billing month, you will only be billed the hourly rate. We will bill you for each cloud server until you choose to delete them. Even if you aren’t actively using your server, we will bill you for it.

Do you bill servers that are off?

Yes. All servers that have finished their creation process will be billed until they are deleted, regardless of their state.

This is because, internally, we allocate full resources to servers regardless of their power state. And it enables rapid startup and boot times for you, the customer.

How reliable are local storage disks for servers?

Servers with local storage keep all data on a local RAID10 on the host system. This provides fault-tolerance in case of hardware defects. They are optimized for high I/O performance and low latency and are especially suited for applications which require fast access to disks with low latency, such as databases.

Is there any way to get a custom configuration?

Customized virtual servers (additional RAM, additional/larger drives etc.) are not currently available. dapibus leo.

Can I install Windows?

Right now we are focusing on support for Linux as an operating system. If you wish, you may install Windows on your own, and we have seen successful installations done. However, we will not provide any support for Windows.

Do you plan to add x feature?/Will you add more features?

We started Hetzner Cloud with the minimal feature set we think is necessary to enter the market. However we intend to continually add new features and services. We have designed our internal development methods and systems to allow us to add more features.

Unfortunately we cannot provide you with a precise roadmap of the things we are working on. However you can stay up to date by following us on Twitter at CloudPe

Will you add additional locations in different geographic regions?

We have continuously expanded our cloud locations in recent years. In addition to Germany and Finland, we now also have international locations in Ashburn, Virginia; Hillsboro, Oregon (USA) and Singapore. We are constantly examining possible future locations. If you don’t want to miss the opening of a new location, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on our social media channels.

What are the CloudPe Cloud Volumes?

It is a feature for fast, flexible, and cost-effective (SSD based) block storage which you can attach to your CloudPe Cloud Server.

How does CloudPe Online store the data in Volumes?

Every block of data is stored on three different physical servers (triple replication).

How many servers can I create?

Each customer has a default limit for the number of Cloud resources that we simultaneously provide. If you would like to increase your limit, you can send a request to our support team by opening a support ticket via Cloud Console. Our team will quickly review your request and, if everything is in order, they will increase your limit.