You can save the current state of a VM file system or user data by creating a snapshot of a volume.A snapshot of a data volume can be used for backing up user data and testing purposes.
Create a Volume described in Creating Volume.
Creating Snapshot of Volume:
- To create the snapshot of volume, navigate to the CloudPe Region Advanced Dashboard.
- Navigate to “Compute.” On the “Volumes” screen, Choose the volume for which you want to create a snapshot.
3. Click to Create snapshot.

The created snapshots can be viewed in the Snapshot window.

Managing Volume Snapshot:
Select a volume, open the Snapshots tab in the right pane, and click on the three dots.

Create a new volume from the snapshot.
Create a new volume from the snapshot and specify a volume name, size, and storage policy. Click Create.

Create a template from the snapshot.
Click on Create Image, specify the name, and Create.

Revert to snapshot
Discard all changes that have been made to the volume since the snapshot was taken. This action is available only for VMs with the “Shut down” and “Shelved offloaded” statuses.
Note: As each volume has only one snapshot branch, all snapshots created after the snapshot you are reverting to will be deleted. If you want to save a subsequent snapshot before reverting, create a volume or an image from it first.

Edit Snapshot
Click on Edit and you can change the snapshot name and description.

You can also delete the snapshot by clicking on “Delete.”